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It has been observed that wildlife and wildlife products are smuggled from under-developed and developing nations to developed nations at high value as they find use for traditional medicinal purposes, clothing, jewellery and art products made out of animals' tusks, fins, skins, shells, horns etc. Seizure data globally shows that most enforcement activities to combat international wildlife trafficking take place at ports of entry, rather than in domestic markets. Consequently, DRI and Customs form the front line of enforcement to counter wildlife trafficking in India. Red Sanders (Pterocarpus santalinus) is one such endangered species of wild flora, endemic to the ghats of South India and is listed in Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of
Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). DRI has had major success in preventing its illegal export of Red Sanders from many ports of our country. Some of the other significant seizures of wildlife/ exotics by the DRI have been Black- and-White Ruffed Lemur (critically endangered species, endemic to the island of Madagascar and listed under CITES Appendix I), Hollock Gibbon (endangered species under Schedule 1 of the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972), Palm Civet (endangered species under Schedule II of the Wild life Protection Act, 1972), Turtles and Tortoises, Pangolins (endangered species under Schedule 1 of the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972), Elephant and Tiger products, Sea Urchins, Sea Cucumbers, Elephant Ivory, Rhino horns etc.
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985
Illicit drugs continue to pose a serious challenge as India has transformed from a predominantly transit country till the beginning of this millennium to a sizeable consumer country of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, besides continuing to be a transit
country. Further, India also has a large chemical and pharmaceutical industry, which imposes extraordinary challenge to drug law enforcement agencies in India as a balance has to be maintained between the licit activities of India’s chemical and pharma

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